Feeling overwhelmed?

Work smarter, not harder

Rize is an AI-driven productivity coach that leverages time tracking to enhance focus and develop better work habits.

  • What is it: An AI-powered tool that tracks time and provides real-time productivity coaching, helping users focus and build efficient work habits.

  • Who is it for: Ideal for anyone seeking to maximize their productivity, including marketing managers, software developers, entrepreneurs, and more.

  • Alternative to: A similar product is RescueTime, which also offers time tracking and productivity insights.

  • Why we like it: We're fans of Rize for its intuitive features like automatic time tracking, personalized focus tools, and insightful daily and weekly reports, all of which foster a more productive work environment.

We test hundreds of apps each month and hand-pick the very best to share with our members every week!

James Ketchell
Founder and CEO


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